All about him! G-Eazy drops a few bars on Us. Read on to learn 25 things about the “Me, Myself & I” rapper.
1. I bought my Ferrari through text message.
2. The black ’65 Mustang from my short film is my personal vehicle and the first car I ever owned.
3. I rocked cornrows to my high school prom.
4. Spring water only. Purified water is no good.
5. I love Bud Light and Stillhouse whiskey.
6. I wear all-black almost 365 days of the year.
7. I have a bird phobia. Pigeons are especially horrible.
8. I’ve broken my left arm three times — when I was 5, 10 and 15 years old.
9. Just had Benihana for the first time at 28 years old. My new favorite restaurant.
10. As a kid I had a half-wolf dog. I was technically raised by a wolf.
11. I first sold my CDs at the hotdog shop I worked at.
12. I hate peanut butter.
13. I only wear Polo socks and I’m superstitious about never wearing mismatched socks.
14. My mom was a professor at the San Francisco Art Institute and that’s what inspired me to explore the arts and do what I do today.
15. I have more than 300 pairs of shoes.
16. My brother and I were born 364 days and 12 hours apart.
17. I eat at least one burrito every day.
18. I’m hella afraid of heights. I fell from super-high when I was young and haven’t quite gotten over it.
19. I’m scared of glossy photo paper.
20. The Dark Knight is my favorite movie of all time. I can recite every line from the Joker.
21. I have roughly four cups of coffee a day — all rocket-fuel strong.
22. Pedialyte is a life-saver — highly recommend.
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23. Johnny Cash is my favorite artist of all time. 24. I made my own beats, artwork and engineered all my music for the first six years of my career.
25. Me and Andy Samberg went to the same middle school and high school.